30 Day Challenge, Come join me!
It is a new year and with that often comes goal setting, resolutions and purging of the old. The new year is often when we pledge to eat healthy, exercise and love ourselves more. Sadly according to Forbes only 8% of us are able to follow through. I certainly have had my share of failures but I have also had success at keeping some of those resolutions and goals. The biggest difference was rather or not I had formed a plan to reach the goal, shared it someone, and accepted help and support.
In 2012 I was working out 5 days a week, eating healthy and enjoying the results. In 2013 I found out I had a heart condition, was stuck in a dead in job that I allowed to make me miserable and slowly I stopped working out and began to cheat on what I ate. As the year ended I knew I wanted to get back on track, I thought of everything I had accomplished in 2012 and realized I did some amazing things with the help of my family and friends. That was the key, I had help! I started looking around online for some programs and then heard the little ding from Facebook in another tab. I clicked over and a friend posted about Betty Rocker’s 30 day challenge.