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Heart Disease: Alternative Treatments

First let me say I am not a doctor and my sharing this video and story are not meant as medical advise. I am sharing it because I know from experience that traditional cardiologist often only treat the symptoms and view surgery and pills as the only way to go.

I have a left bundle branch block. LBB is not curable but it is treatable, usually with medication and then as it progresses/ you age a pacemaker. I have no underlining heart disease but heart simply does not function the way it should. I reluctantly tried medication only to have the side-effects be more dangerous than the LBBB. I was weaned off the medication and began to take my heart health into my own hands even further.

I made a lot of changes to my lifestyle that included leaving a stressful job, increasing my water intake, wearing a heart monitor when I work-out and becoming even more watchful of what I eat. I have been back to my cardiologist twice since conditioning the medication and both times have been given the thumbs up to keep doing what I am doing. My main goal is to avoid or at least drastically distance myself from a pacemaker. I guess you never want to think about heart surgery but at 41, I am not ready.

Again, I am not saying “ditch your doctor”, I still see mine what I am saying is make sure you do your own research. Your body has a built in healing mechanism, get to know it!

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